Originally Posted by Magickiwi
I have all three and the phosphate is by far the worst of the them. Results have huge variations when performed back to back; and even when performed side by side with another Hanna checker. Hard to trust the results. The ULR phosphorous checker is a better option even though you have to convert to phosphate and change the units of measure.
The Alk and Cal both work great for me. They are in the same ballpark as results from chemical kits like the RSM series. Cal is a more involved test but once you get it down it's not really a big deal.
I have all three, i was fed up with color kits, to much judgment involved.
I have the ulr phosphorus, its the easiest of the three and i get the same results each time so i highly recommend it. Ask for alk/Ca i dont like the tips they come with to suck up the reagent, it seems to me you get a different size of air bubble each time this making the results a bit different each time. If you don't use the tips you are using more reagent and the results are different.
The Ca does have one extra step involved in it but compared to the API i used before its nothing like drop, shake, count, drop, shake, count.......
Does anyone have any advice on these tips/syringes?
Also i want to check my PH swing, i have never used a ph meter! How are they? Anyone recommend a good one, Hanna or something else?