Originally Posted by b09u5
I had never heard of VSV dosing before. I'll look into it.
Reef Pilot, It's good to hear that some people run these types of reactors and haven't had stability issues. Funny enough, out of all of the options, the bio pellets worry me the most. BTW, I checked out your tank thread and it looks awesome! I hope to still be in the hobby in 10 years!
Anyone else have a denitrator of any kind?
VSV is also effective and good way to start before spending hundreds of dollars on the blue bottles. 
ATI 48" 3x75W LED with 8x54W T5, 2xTunze 6105, 2 x Maxspect Gyre XF150, Bubble King Mini 200 ( soon to be replaced by a Bubble King SM 200), Eheim 1262, Via Aqua 300 watt Titanium heater, JBJ ATO, Apex Controller