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Old 03-14-2014, 02:40 PM
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baker_jeff baker_jeff is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Edmonton, AB
Posts: 103
baker_jeff is on a distinguished road
Default FS: Livestock, Corals, Rock from 230gal Setup

8-9” Regal Tang ($200)
2.5” Cleaner Wrasse (free with tang)
5” Orange Spotted Rabbit Fish ($60)
3.5” Foxface ($40)
2 x 2” Clowns (Free with anemone)
1 x Unknown, but incredibly beautiful long tentacle multicoloured Anemone (6-7” wide when fully extended) ($200)
1 x 5” Dragon Goby ($20)
4 x Chromis ($10)


Corals are sold + the live rock they are attached to if they can’t be removed easily.

Big rock covered in GSP (12” x 8”) ($60)
Candy Cane Colony (28 heads) ($100)
Candy Cane Colony (16 heads) $60)
Colt Coral (Various small-medium colonies) ($10 each)
Duncan Coral Colony (14 heads) ($100)
Hydnophora SPS Colony (5” x 3”) ($40)
Pocillopora SPS Colony (3.5” x 3.5”) ($40)
Xenia Colony (12” x 6”) ($20)
Hammer Colony (2” x 2”) ($15)
Brown/Green Polyp Colony (6” x 6”) ($15)
Torch Coral (3 heads) ($30)
Fox Coral (3 or 4 heads) ($30)
Red Monti frag (poor shape) ($5)
Unknown Green encrusting coral (10” x 8”) ($60 including rock)
Unknown dark green Acro SPS (4” x 4”) ($30)

200-300lbs well established live rock with lots of purple coraline ($5/lb)
20lbs liverock rubble in sump ($2/lb)
100lbs live sand (Free with tank or after all livestock and rock is gone)

I can accept cash, debit, Visa, MC, Amex, Paypal, and EMT. Shipping anywhere in Canada is available.

230g Mixed Reef
Moved business, currently shut down.

Last edited by baker_jeff; 03-14-2014 at 02:44 PM.
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