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Old 03-12-2014, 06:16 PM
EquiReef EquiReef is offline
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Location: Bowmanville, Ontario
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
to be honest youll spend a whole lot of time trying to get it fed properly i would just pass it on, reason i say this is they dont fare well in new tanks as the mico life isnt there for it to get a feeding response and dry pollution is high.

you can feed it live food like rotifiers but unless your culturing on a large level youll run out of food pretty quick and it will become expensive to feed it daily.

i can tell from the pic that it is starving , the shriveled skin is a for sure sign of malnutrition .

these corals belong is a dedicated system with live foods, over sized filtration and steady water parameteres all of which a new tank finds hard to offer.

im not saying its impossible but its not easy to do on short notice and without planning you'll end up doing more harm then good to your young reef(small changes)

best advise in this situation is bring it back to where you bought it for credit and get something more designed to a mixed reef and for your care level.

info on this coral can be found on the NPS forumns on reef central if google isnt giving you much, i think you'll find after some reading it was a poor purchase and the seller should have told you of its requirements, its a common thing for larger box stores to do and the customer usually bites it as a newb loss when in fact they never stood a chance

if you do decide to keep it i can put you on the right path to getting it healthy, its not easy though just a FYI

beauty though!!


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