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Old 03-12-2014, 04:09 AM
Adrenaline101 Adrenaline101 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Calgary Alberta
Posts: 36
Adrenaline101 is on a distinguished road
Default FS: 12G Rimless biocube, Coralif Biocube skimmer Calgary

Not sure of make of this little guy.
Roughly 12 Gallon rimless cube 15x13.5x13" comes with return pump, nano magfloat, can take the eggcrate media basket it you'd like.
Asking $40

Coralife biocube skimmer, just about 2 months old so could use a new wood diffuser. Worked well in the above cube in the first chamber.
Asking $20

Pick up in far SW in Somerset or far far east industrial area before 3 if arranged.

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