Thread: Floating Clown
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Old 09-01-2004, 05:36 PM
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Originally Posted by DOO-E
Now this is what we used on our goldfish. Every year we have a couple "floaters" what we do is put them in a ice cream pale with aquarium salt and over a few days it all levels out. This seems to help with our Ryunkin and pearlscale goldfish.
Originally Posted by Stirfry
i used to work at a pet store and a little trick of the trade we would take a few grains of aquarium salt and put it in thier mout but mind you this is for goldfish no gaurantee on this but you might try.

Um, pardon my ignorance but this being a saltwater clownfish, doesn't the fish already "technically" have salt in its mouth/surroundings already??

Kayleb, you may want to try giving the fish a freshwater dip if the possibility of an intestinal blockage is apparent. The change in osmotic pressure I think is what loosens the blockage. I don't know how long you would want to do this for. Maybe someone who has done FW dips on SW fish could chime in here??

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