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Old 03-11-2014, 12:56 PM
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Spyd Spyd is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Kitchener, ON
Posts: 188
Spyd is on a distinguished road

I would never bother with Ecotech glue... It costs a fortune. The Dollar store crazy glue works just the same. Get the thick gel stuff and use that. $1 / tube as oppose to $20 for a bottle... Just my 2 cents.

As for mounting SPS, I like to use a sandwich method. Crazy glue, epoxy, crazy glue on the bottom of your SPS piece then push it firmly into place. Keep the powerheads off for 5 minutes and it's set and will not move.

For epoxy, I use Aquamend because it is relatively inexpensive, safe and works very well.
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