Originally Posted by StirCrazy
no not that, it will be the 3.75 as the visa fees are built into that, so the visa/mc/ect swipe fees plus square's fees add up to 3.75 which is high, when I worked t the store the visa charges were .75% up to 100.00, 1.2% 100 to 1000.00 and higher for larger amount. thats why a car dealership doesn't like it when you go in and buy a truck on your credit card  . don't forget you can negotiate your rates also, this fee also includes the card reader and maintenance.
Aha, now I know why the Toyota salesperson was very happy to take my personal cheque. Of course the credit limit on my credit card would not have come close to the purchase price anyhow... & who pays cash for an automobile these days? But I digress..... seems the square is here to stay.