Thread: Ca(OH)2
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Old 09-01-2004, 05:50 AM
Stirfry Stirfry is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Aldergrove
Posts: 61
Stirfry is on a distinguished road

i read that adding viniger to the mix it helps bi-carbonate ions instead of
carbonate ions
Ca++ + 2(OH-) + 2(CO2) <==> Ca++ + 2(HCO3-)
instead of
Ca++ + 2(OH-) + 2(HCO3-) <==> Ca++ + 2(CO3--) + 2 H2O
which is also cause from dripping to fast
i believe the mix is 30ml of viniger to 1/2 a teaspoon of kalk power
and also i head that if you add the flakes in the bottom if the bucket into the tank into an area where it will not flake onto the corals it can help with the denitrifying process.
The general rule of thumb for mixing kalkwasser is one teaspoon of kalk powder per gallon of water.
not to go againt this but i read that it is 1/2 a teaspoon per litler

thx for any help

i luv when my mind go blank??!!!
80 gal acrilic reef tank
33 gal sump
8 gal fuge
a blue water skimmer
a power jet 7000 running everything
2 artinic vho 119w lighting
1 aqua light 150w hqi mh light
about 100 pound of live rock
about 50 pounds of live sand
2 skunk\'s
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