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Old 03-07-2014, 11:52 PM
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MitchM MitchM is offline
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Denny, you are a nice guy but you are not a scientist.
You cannot just think up a fun experiment to try out without having a basis of understanding of what you are doing.
Corals are not meant to be frozen for fun "to see what happens".

If this is what you want to do, then learn about what it is you are observing, learn about what it's limitations are and THEN, only THEN, carry out your ideas after ensuring that the coral will not be harmed by what you want to do.

These are not playthings. They are animals, just like aptasia, just like cyanobacteria, just like hydroids, just like nuisance crabs, just like flatworms, ect.

I'm not saying that all of these animals are desirable in our tanks, and I agree that to control some populations of creatures is acceptable, but to try out situations without a basic premise is just cruel.

Sorry buddy.

kien, put the popcorn away....

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