For Sale: 45g bow front, setup with rock/fish
For Sale in the Edmonton area (Beaumont 5 Min South). I have not had the time for this tank, not doing a water change in about 6 months, it needs a loving home. $400.00 complete.
45 Gallon Bow Front Aquarium with stand
2 x 36 inch fixtures with 3 normal output flourescents installed
Fluval 303
Ebo Jabber 200 watt heater
2 x powerheads
65lbs Approx Live rock
2 x ocellaris clownfish
1 x barred goby
1 x scissor tail goby
1 x striped damsel fish
Also, they are in there somewhere although havent counted for awhile
hermit crabs number unknown and a couple of emerald crabs.
Also included supplements, frozen food and dry food.
I dont know how to post pictures but will put some in my album in the gallery. PM me if interested.