Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 03-06-2014, 04:42 AM
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Nothing exciting to post, but I'll report that the Cyano is still gone
I still have brown film algae on the glass and sand but all-in-all, I'm pleased with the Chemiclean results

I've again started dosing Mg
I found our tank was, on it's own, hovering around <1250
I've brought it back to 1350 - give or take - and have seen a significant increase in growth from corals that were stalled
IO regular salt used to have up to 1380Mg, but is currently only 1170
I'm currently only using Mg powder from J&L, but plan on buying it in bulk

So, with the proper levels of Mg, our montis are growing, some are plating, and a couple stagnant ones are brighter
I've also noticed our Purple Stylo is growing. It wasn't happy in an old location so it was moved during the re-scape. Since then it's mostly done nothing.
Once the Mg was brought back up it started to fill back in again and has shown signs of, shall we say, being 'bigger' as it's more 'puffy' now and is starting to spread

A Green with Purple Monti I bought from Brad last summer is plating nicely, and is the first in our tank to grow this fast.
I'm thinking about getting rid of our other montis .... looking for more plating critters. We have 2 beautiful red montis that encrust and grow very well, but take time to spread out.
I was always looking for something to 'plate', but never knew how it could happen until I saw Brad's growing so quickly in our tank
Call me impatient, but after a year and a half of 'not quite right' parameters and the wrong corals, you can't blame me for wanting the 'next level'

Starting off with the proper corals makes a big difference ....

I have a pump on order for Mg, and am planning a third MP10wES
I think this will be enough shock for the tank this time around

Last edited by gregzz4; 03-06-2014 at 04:45 AM.
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