Originally Posted by jorjef
The list of my need to have gadgets.
1- Skimmer.
2- Salt.
3- Water change pails.
I have long thought about what you are musing about today and decided I have no use for any reactors, dosers, etc etc etc. Hell, don't even have a sump. Water changes are my friend. 
Thats cool, but with my set up i need a sump since i have a display fuge it means i have to have a place to put my pumps and since you have to dose when you have a diversity of macroalgae, they need supplement to survive, cheato excluded. Mine are collection ones with particular demand on iodine ( most red one need higher dosage) and iron and magnesium in the long term if they're to survive. A display refugium is not for cheatos, and caulerpa, ugly first of and not prize winning collection material lol. So a bit of plumbing had to be added to my set up for it. In time i want my refugium to overtake my GFO totally and take it out and let the natural way, the refugium become the natural filter of the tank thats my aim . Hopefully my skimmer will be ON and OFF schedule. That the experiment i'm goin for.