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Old 02-28-2014, 03:08 AM
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The Codfather The Codfather is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: St. Albert
Posts: 796
The Codfather is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by The Codfather View Post

2-Vertex moceans- Ive modified the inlet with a 1" three piece ball valve. I have recently, pulled and cleaned the gears, and relubed. both work flawless.-$150/each

1-vertex Rx-U 2.0 media filters(1 BNIB)-$110

1-vertex Rx-Z 3.0L Zeo reactor-$200

1-BK super marine 300(2 years old), complete with vertex self cleaning head and avast marine locker/pressure switch-$1500

1-Vertex RX-6 Duo Calcium reactor, Motor was reploaced a few months back, have an additional brand new motor as well, complete with small feed pump, 10 lb CO2 cylinder(full), regs. and enough course/fine media for at least a full refill of primary chamber-$725

200w, 250w and 300w Heaters
I'll get the rest up this weekend if I get some time.
There's plenty of room for all God's creatures.
Right next to the mashed potatoes.
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