No, unfortunately I agree with Reef Pilot here. Don't get me wrong, I *love* the Vancouver Aquarium and go as often as I can, on average maybe once every 2 years or so (I would go more often if I was closer.)
But there is a marked difference in quality of displays in the coldwater and local section tanks versus the tropical. The price of admission is starting to get quite prohibitive, so I think it's not entirely unfair to have high expectations going in.
There are some good examples out there of jawdropping tropical displays both with real corals (which tend to be smaller systems) and synthetic reefs (which tend to be the larger displays). Georgia Aquarium, Long Beach Aquarium, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Maui Ocean Centre, Moody Gardens come to mind as some I have visited in the U.S. that I would recommend to anyone travelling to the cities they are in. The Sydney Aquarium in Australia, at least when I visited there (13 years ago, man I want to go back) had a 20' maybe even 30' long curved reef tank that ranks in my memory as one of the most impressive reef tanks I've ever seen and that still holds true today.
So it's not like it's impossible for them to revamp things one day and hold themselves to a higher standard ... they just need to make it a priority. I bet once they have the capital in place they will likely do some renovations on the tropical side.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!