I don't think designer corals matter at all. Especially to a place like that.
If you go snorkeling... Most things are not as fancy as the things we buy.
Designer is a gimmick for reefers. Makes you spend more money for basically the same things in "nicer" colors.
Don't get me wrong... They are nice, but a fool and his money are soon parted.
And many people are dropping their paycheck for $30/pp zoas that die like any other coral.
Last year when my tank crashed, I lost thousands in coral. Not a pretty site. A business is not going to go into that kinda expense when reasonable other corals are available.
Anyone buy those Japanese Deep Water Zoas... That has no connection to Japan asides from a misleading and falsified name added to make you think it was special?
I have no been to the aquarium yet. Hopefully one day.
Last edited by paddyob; 02-26-2014 at 03:14 PM.