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Old 02-25-2014, 03:48 PM
spikehs spikehs is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Calgary
Posts: 848
spikehs is on a distinguished road
Default 15g acrylic cube w/ accessories fs $100 (Calgary)

Hi Everyone,

Got some fish tank stuff I need to clear about before I move on the weekend. All the equip/supplies are worth much more, so I have to sell it all as one package

- 15g cube tank (16x16x14) with external overflow. Minor scratches, none that can't be fixed.
- stand
- ReefKeeper 2 (will need new probes)
- Eheim return pump
- Quite one return pump
- various other pumps/powerheads
- enough kalk/alk/calcium/mag/carbon/phospate remover to last a long time for that tank.
- CO2 tank
- various books
- other accessories (see pics)

If someone could come and get it ASAP that would be fantastic, feel free to resell the stuff you don't need. PM with any questions. Priority has to go to those who can come and get it all the soonest.

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