Well thanks Matt now you are twisting my hand to give free stuff

Just kidding.I was actually aware of this post just this morning as I have been a little busy in within the past week.
Thinking to myself as its always nice to give back to the community especially as I am an addict as everyone else here
Instead of making couple big packages for one or 2 pple while everyone else watches why not smaller packages that last longer for few of the folks that are going to show up.
I will work with some of the product I carry.
I will offer as draws be it at Concept or the place of the meet.
5 bags of 1lb each of the carbon
5 bags of 1.25lb each of the DI resin that will fill a canister
2 bags of 1 lb each FijiCrete Your # 1 Canada wide dry or live rock adhesive
10% off additional of the discount on FijiReefRock.com any mix and any weight of the dry rock we carry
And hope to see you all there