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Old 08-30-2004, 06:17 AM
ltay ltay is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: North Vancouver - Canada
Posts: 90
ltay is on a distinguished road
Default 3rd time the charm

3rd time the charm, this time round. I stayed up Sunday (Aug 29 2004) morning from 4 am (lucky that it was a weekend) and the babies were streaming out from the male seahorse pouch. I immediately shut off the valve and the pumps. Almost 100 babies, tranferred into the breeder tank with a small airline tube.
Some dead due to surface tension that caught them in the breeder tank and some were gulping air from the surface. I am thinking of redoing my breeder tank so that it could be submerged into the main sh tank. This way, the babies would not get gulps of air bubbles into their breathing tracks. If anyone has any idea of how to setup a submerge breeder tank, it would be greatly appreciated.

This time I am more prepared with rotifers live food as h. reidi are too small for brine. Maybe switching them later. I have started phytoplankton cultures (3 weeks prior) and growing the rotifers two weeks prior in two Instant Ocean salt buckets. The rotifers are multiplying like crazy. I have also purchased a microscope to check the phytoplankton and rotifers. Very cool to watch.

You are right, Bev. The lapse time is exactly 2 weeks for the incubation.
I will post some pics later this week.
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