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Old 02-21-2014, 11:47 PM
Basile Basile is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Gatineau Ottawa Canada
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Basile is on a distinguished road
Default You have sponges ; what do you feed them and are they still alive?

I have 2 Ptilocaulis sp. ; a red tree and an orange tree the Axinella bookhouti is a fan sponge that eats bacteria

Put in their right place medium light with strong flow, 2 tunze 6095 on each end and a wavebox at full capacity.

So, what do feed these guys, i red that most phytoplankton is too big for sponges and thats why they starve and die , bacteria where do you get it. I have a few filter feeders food but looking for the best advice and food for them, thanks for your time.

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