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Old 08-30-2004, 01:07 AM
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Richer Richer is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Edmonton (Southwest), AB
Posts: 784
Richer is on a distinguished road

Hrm... just how large is your current tank? Goldfish can be quite the waste factories (as is one of the characteristics of fish from the carp family). Normally, I see people suggesting a minimum of 20 gallons for one goldfish (though normally 30 gallons is recommended), then an additional 10-20 gallons per extra goldfish according to how you maintain the tank, filtration, etc. Goldfish are also temperate fish as well. Obviously, your cichlids are not temperate.

I like cptclever's idea. Get them another tank (with lots of cover of course) with some hardy dither fish. Danios are a great choice.

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