how many fish is too many.... lol
So I added a few more fish yesterday.
So far everyone is doing well except Derp the Boxfish. He got sucked against a tunze as he was a small guy and I presume there was too much flow for him..
Anyways my current stock list as of today:
1 - Purple Tang
1 - Tomini Tang
2 - Female Spot Breast Angelfish
1 - Majestic Angelfish
1 - Paracheilinus Mccoskeri
3 - Cirrhilabrus Walshi 1m/2f
4 - Cirrhilabrus Pylei 1m/3f
4 - Cirrhilabrus Roseafascia 1sm/3f
1 - Cirrhilabrus Exquisitus
2 - Cleaner Wrasse
8 - Pseudanthias Squamipinnis 1m/7f
6 - Green Chromis
5 - Dragon Faced Pipefish
Bringing my grand total to 39 fish... Looks like I need one