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Old 02-19-2014, 10:48 AM
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somewherebeyondthesea somewherebeyondthesea is offline
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Originally Posted by saltcreep View Post
There are a few other topics that will get the masses to wield torches and pitchforks more than those two subjects...

On topic...I'm not sure what the Canreef stats are as far as activity/post (or whatever measurement means would be used) compared to a few years ago, but I think that the overall industry is going through a bit of a downturn. Economy possibly, but I would imagine with what I've seen and heard, it would be reflective in activity here too.

I disagree, I've watched many more people start up nano's this year than any other year at the store. Most people I've sent here have reported back that they're too afaraid to post here because of the trolls.

I've watched a few newbies get turned away because of a few holier than thou attitude that some keybaord commandos have on here.

I've also noticed growth on social network groups like facebook, and I wonder if its just easier to buy/sell/trade with locals?

I've never had trouble with mods they do great work, its too bad they don't have a troll seeker button when a newbie is getting picked on so that they could ban them!

I'll admit I've not been on in a while, but that's because I have 4 tanks now, and that's partially canreefs' fault!

I feel like I should start giving back now (I do at the store) but maybe visiting once a week might be a good start.


......You taught our hand speed,skill, and grace.... go beyond our dwelling place..... -Father John W. MacGillivray
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