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Old 02-18-2014, 08:07 PM
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Magickiwi Magickiwi is offline
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Originally Posted by straightrazorguy View Post
I don't understand Kiwi; you are cutting what losses? Not the Hydras, I hope....
You're right, that's not very clear is it? I meant with my Metal Halide fixtures. I love the color etc. but really hate the fixture I have. No night lights, much less a moon cycle and burning through half the cost of the LED fixtures in replacement bulbs since I got it up and running was starting to boil my blood. (No, I'm not touching the bulbs with my fingers etc. the fixture just sucks) Losing one of my MH ballasts on Saturday was the last straw.

Upgrading my metal halide fixture to something I could live with would cost as much or more than changing to LEDs so I thought I'd give the Hydras a shot.
I have to go out and buy more snails for my hermit crabs.
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