Originally Posted by straightrazorguy
I'd like to tap into the collective wisdom of this forum.
That won't take long
I've ordered the Hydras for my tank. Four bulbs and now a ballast in seven months and I am cutting my losses. I have a four foot long tank and Ray from reefsupplies.ca advised I'd only need two fixtures. So I'd probably go with two if I were you. $590 must be for the Hydra 52's, which you may not need depending on the depth of your tank. If you're @24" or less then go with the normal Hydra's for $438.95 from Ray.
You can get the module to control these fixtures from a Neptune controller but I'm not sure about the reefkeeper. I have a Neptune controller but went with the AI Wireless Director because it is designed to work with the AI lights and is $40ish cheaper than the Neptune controller.