Originally Posted by iceman86
Like I said in my previous post, there are a handfull of people like yourself and aquattro who try to help out and have really helped me out in the past, but It would just be nice to have more.
Well, I think the traffic is here, just not a lot of willing people to offer help. I find that it's usually questions that have been beat to death, and the more experienced members just don't want to answer anymore. Nature of the beast I suppose, but certainly not tied to traffic or the number of sponsors here.
Just now I approved a dozen new accounts, as I do most days lately. So lots of new people, and less (participating) old members. This is also cyclic and as the new ones get up to speed, they start answering, and the old ones have for sale posts

Really, having been here for 13 years now, I find this year the same as year 2, which was the same as year 7. But we get lots of new people (167 so far since Jan 1). We just need people to chat more.