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Old 02-17-2014, 11:07 PM
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Originally Posted by TimT View Post
It is the minerals in the water that conduct electricity and not the water itself. RO/DI water is non conductive, ie conductivity or TDS = 0. I have seen people put computers(motherboard etc) in RO/DI water and run them. NEVER MIX ELECTRICITY AND SALTWATER!!!
Ahhh, guess that's why the current readout on the charger didn't change a bit. A motherboard running in water?! Crazy! Just taught me something, thanks!

Didn't see it last night, may give it a few days back in the tank. Will then try to flush the holes out with a syringe to see if dead worm slime comes out, if not it may still be alive. Next step will be flatworm exit, and if that doesn't work, then the rock is coming out for a while...
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