Originally Posted by vancity
I'd leave it out overnight or take more drastic measures like that but I want to put the rock back in and not kill off everything as the tank may not be large enough to handle a mass die off of all bacteria, algaes etc.
Since you soaked it in RODI water when you tried to electrocute it that will kill the algaes and bacteria. I would suspect the rock will cause a mini cycle from the die off.
Since you have already nuked the life on the rock then you can try soaking it in 50% hydrogen peroxide and 50% tankwater for an hour or more.
The easiest method is to just leave it out in the rain for a week or more. Then cycle it in a bucket for a month or so. The coralline etc will grow back.
Originally Posted by vancity
The electrocution method was done in RODI water (didn't want to add current to salt water)
It is the minerals in the water that conduct electricity and not the water itself. RO/DI water is non conductive, ie conductivity or TDS = 0. I have seen people put computers(motherboard etc) in RO/DI water and run them. NEVER MIX ELECTRICITY AND SALTWATER!!!
Glad your still alive.