Originally Posted by Kevotron
I am setting up a Quarantine system for new arrivals, my question is should I just do hyposalinity or hyposalinity with cupramine ?
some help would be appreciated 
I never use copper medications. If you can get Chloroquine phosphate it covers more diseases than hyposalinity (covering all diseases that copper does), is easy to use, and gentle on the fish. PraziPro is another useful medication for flukes and internal parasites, but it will often cause anorexia, so don't use it unless the fish is already fattened up and eating well.
Originally Posted by Kevotron
just a 10 gallon tank w/ hang on filter/airstone and heater
What species of fish are you intending to quarantine in this tank? A 10-gallon is only suitable for very small fish like Gobies, and hardy fish like Damsels including the smaller species of Clownfish.
Do you have an Ammonia Alert badge and an ammonia detoxifier on hand? Ammonia is a big threat to fish in quarantine even if you plan to use a seeded filter.