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Old 02-14-2014, 11:59 PM
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Originally Posted by monza View Post
Interesting, now scratching my head on the reversible gyre idea. Currently both the front and back inlets create the same circular motion at opposite times and not reversed. My theory with the positioning of them is that they would lift the detritus 'up' into the water column and then the sump return would blast along the top to help push over the weir. As much as we can direct the flow in our glass boxes when we add rock work it messes with the mojo. I have a plan to position my rock work to aid in flow and get detritus out as much as possible. I can see reversible gyre would create a more chaotic flow (good thing) and hit more dead spots where waste could build up.
Do you mean the 'gyre' will always flow in the same direction? I've got that problem sort of by accident in my tank because of poor overflow/rockwork placement and it's causing some weird growth patterns on my corals, a bunch of them look like they've been windswept. If you were to have the the front left and back right outlet going, then switch it up to the front right and back left, you should theoretically get a circular gyre that runs counter clockwise for a while, then reverses and flows clockwise for a while. Would come close to approximating a reversing tide. On my next tank I'm going to try for that.

But you're right, rock work makes everything weird. For it to work "perfectly" you'd need like a really tall tower right in the middle for the water to rotate around or something, which might not be to your taste aesthetically. You might be able to fudge it and get something close.

This article has some really cool thoughts on the idea. I only mentioned it because you're plumbing set up and tank shape (no internal overflows to mess things up) would be perfect for it:

Last edited by asylumdown; 02-15-2014 at 12:03 AM.
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