Tonight I performed another 25% WC
The skimmer was still going balistic with the cup off, but it became better when I put the cup back on
I let it run a few gallons out the drain and it's looking manageable for now. It's still turned down as far as it goes
As far as Chemicleam goes;
I'd do it again, but I wouldn't leave the skimmer running as it made a huge mess
Next time I'd rather run an airstone in the DT and deal with a small amount of salt creep. The mess from the skimmer overflowing is a big headache to clean up
Tomorrow night I will change the carbon again, and the tank will get a 10% WC Friday/Sat as part of my regular routine
So, Monday I did a rescape that is not finished yet
I'm very happy with how it's turning out, but can't post pics yet as it's not finished, so you'll just have to stay tuned ...