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Old 02-12-2014, 08:29 PM
SteveCGY SteveCGY is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Calgary
Posts: 201
SteveCGY is on a distinguished road

1. Rodi water is highly recommended as it will make your life a lot easier battling different things. But no not needed.

2. Protein skimmers in my eye are a must but have seen tanks run without them. So no I wouldn't say a must.

3. Live rock I would say 1lb pet gallon but it's completely up to you and the aqua scape you want to have.

4. Best and cheapest place would be from fellow reefers. If you want dry rock I would recommend Fiji reef rock.

I personally would ditch the canister filter and just use your sump and a skimmer. Canister filters unless cleaned really regularly are just phosphate bombs.

O and welcome.
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