As I mentioned earlier, I ran the Chemiclean for just over 60 hours - it's just how my schedule worked out
I dosed it Thursday night. As others have noted, nothing much was happening by Friday night (first 24 hours)
Saturday afternoon I was able to blow pretty much all of the cyano off of everything
Sunday afternoon I did some more blowing but mostly was down to LR cleaning now instead of a cyano battle

Man that stuff traps a lot of crud in the rock. I still have to deal with what it's done to my sand -clumps of detritus
Having a larger sized sump, I was able to perform a 25% WC without touching the DT water level
As the skimmer is still going bananas on it's lowest setting, I'll do another 25% tomorrow night
At that time I'll change the carbon again
This is before I dosed
This is today
My LR hasn't looked this good since last summer