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Old 02-08-2014, 08:17 PM
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Originally Posted by LoJack View Post
.. It says right on the bottle 1.026, 53.0 mS, and 35 ppt. Thats what I used to recalibrate the refractometer. And I had it at close to 25c because I keep the room warm as opposed to running multiple heaters in my little fishroom...
I would guess that the 1.026 number is for 25C, but your refractometer is calibrated for 20C, which would mean the reading is still off.
Next time you use your refractometer, see if the scale in the viewing window has a 20C or 20/20 symbol. That would confirm it.

Some refractometer scales in the window have a conversion number right beside it. If yours does, see if it's in the ppt measurement.
If so, get your refractometer instrument to 20C and use that same calibration fluid, but calibrate to 35 ppt.

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