Thread: rowaphos or GFO
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Old 02-07-2014, 02:47 PM
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Originally Posted by hfp75 View Post
I just tried some HC GFO from concept and it didn't work.... The return line on my reactor was the same PO4 level as the tank water... Skip it, I went back to rowa and my po4 dropped right away!!!

Rowa costs more but it works!!!!
I've never seen any difference in performance between GFO/HC-GFO/Rowaphos. I've also tried phosguard from Seachem and same thing.

One thing I did notice was that Rowaphos didn't seem to boil as easily as GFO. Maybe larger particles or possibly it compacts easier are the reason but GFO did boil better for me.
I have to go out and buy more snails for my hermit crabs.
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