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Old 02-07-2014, 01:43 PM
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Location: Thompson, MB
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Originally Posted by Antrias View Post
Hi Everyone,

I have had my tank going for 6 months now with relatively no problems. However now I have two problems are are driving me nuts! The first is my protein skimmer use to be dead silent (reef octopus diablo Dcs-170) now it is making air gurgling noise - air flapping. So I took the pump and gave it a good cleaning and got all the salt build up on the part that connects the air tube to the pump thinking that would solve them.problem for sure. But not didn't make a difference! I hate the noise what can I do to get it back to silent?

Second problem is my candy coral used to be really healthy. All my other coral looks fine except the candy corals heads are shrinking. Any tips?
Sounds like something is still blocking or impeding the muffler. I've also seen a thread where a person added a piece of hose to the end of the muffler, and fed it back into the exhaust hole on the collection cup. This silenced it quite a lot apparently.
LoJack's 144 Gallon Reef Build
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