Thread: rowaphos or GFO
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Old 02-07-2014, 06:40 AM
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Originally Posted by apexifd View Post
rowaphos = brand name = $$
gfo = repacked bulk = less $

rowaphos is GFO, base material maybe slight different. but rust is rust.
Packaged products are given to the consumer in different qualities
I've bought GFO that was black and treated me just fine
I've bought GFO that was brown that was terrible to rinse and used up 'way' too much water to rinse

I can't say anything about ROWA, but as I said, I'll find info it I need to back up what I said

Regardless, I prefer HC GFO as it's the easiest to deal with
It's clean enough that it doesn't need much rinsing, and the price is reasonable
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