Rotifers are too large to feed to brine nauplii. Brine nauplii are looking for food in the up to 50 micron range whereas L strain rotifers run 200 to 350 micron range.
Even if you could find the S strain, they run at 150 and up.
Try the brine nauplii first to see if it will take them. You will almost certainly have to turn off the sump return pump, and anything else that will damage them or blow them around. You can put a light source at the bottom of the tank to see if they will gather there for the mandarin to find and feed on.
It's possible sometimes that a mandarin will only go for the brine in a particular size range so you may have to grow them out to a bit larger size.
Full sized ones haven't appeared to be of any interest to the mandarin I had, but juveniles were accepted.
For this trial stage, you don't have to bother with the enrichment because all you want to do is find out if it will be seen as food.
If so, then you can follow up with enriched nauplii.
You probably have mysid shrimp in your tank so putting a pile of small rubble on the tank bottom will help to provide higher mysid density.