The LEDs are 460nm blues, 6500k, 10000k, and 20000k whites. Its not the lights that are the issue.
What probably happened was that even if the CUC ate the cleaner shrimp, it released some nutrients into the water after it died and as extra waste from the CUC. Adding the frags from a tank with cyano probably introduced some of the bacteria/spores into your system which then began consuming the extra nutrients already present in the tank. If you didn't have cyano before, that's probably how it got there now.
Siphoning it off or scooping it up with a fine mesh net, water changes and may adding some Phosban (phosphate remover) should clear it up.
If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!