Another update ...
Looks like microbubbles in my sump have
no bearing on this setup, but there may be a fix, and it may apply to all you BRS media reactor owners ...
It was mentioned earlier on in this thread about putting the flow valve on the 'outlet' side of the canister
Originally Posted by H2o2
Just thinking maybe it is siphoning out to some degree so maybe put the flow valve on the outlet inside of canister to keep the under pressure just thinking and not being able to try right now
It may turn out that Harry, and some other peeps Jeff and I spoke with in-store, were spot on ...
Something about keeping pressure in the whole system, tubing and fittings included, seems to solve the problem. But stay tuned to see if I've been successful over the next few days ....
I've installed the flow valve 'after' the canister and have over 3 hours of runtime now with no water level drop in my GFO canister

In the meantime, my Carbon canister has dropped approx 1/2-3/4"
If you go with this 'after the canister valve setup' you should be aware that the water coming out is quite a bit more violent than having the valve before the canister
Good luck to all of us