you need soda ash, not baking soda. There is a recipe to turn regular old baking soda into a useable form of Soda Ash by superheating it on a cookie sheet in your oven … not sure on the recipe but a quick google search can give you that answer.
Your best bit is a 2 part system which is for calcium and alkalinity. A doser is the easiest way, but some people add chemicals by hand daily to keep up with the uptake of their corals.
I dose calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium through peristaltic pumps 4 times throughout each 24 hour day to maintain my levels.
If I were you I'd also start with doing more frequent water changes to help with stability. If you are dosing nothing right now, and going a month between water changes, your water is stripped to the bone, and then the corals go through shock with the influx of new water. Smaller changes more frequently helps keep things more stable.