Thread: Phosphorus
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Old 02-03-2014, 04:53 PM
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Originally Posted by hfp75 View Post
I have a Hanna for PO4 and it measures in "ppm", I have not yet gotten my PO4 under 0.09 ppm & often wondered if my tester is off. Then I measured the water from another guys tank and came back at 0. So, I have a surplus of PO4 in my tank and I am running a healthy diet of Rowa to try and absorb it all.

My question is why does your Hanna PO4 tester measure in ppb and ppm ?
It's the ulr ( ultra low range phosphorus )
"Ever notice the last part of all the cool corals is pora"
And you never hear anybody say "I spend all my money on Xenia " coincidence ????
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