Thread: Phosphorus
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Old 02-03-2014, 04:05 PM
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dudley moray dudley moray is offline
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Default Phosphorus

So I gave in and bought a Hanna phosphorus checker the other day
As I was starting to question my other test kits constant 0 ppm
Well the Hanna said 11 ppb /0.011 ppm
I have some newish sps that have browned some
My question is should I run some phosban ?
Knowing that sps need some phosphorus just not sure how much is too much and I don't want a: to kill my coral or b: start an outbreak/nightmare of hair algae
"Ever notice the last part of all the cool corals is pora"
And you never hear anybody say "I spend all my money on Xenia " coincidence ????
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