Hey everyone,
Decided to hit up the journal section here, Today my tank crashed.... and hard. With some quick thinking, a little over Half a pail of salt, lots of work, and encouragement from people here I am confident i have saved what i can. As I look at my tank now I am actually very pleased with how it came out, all things considered of course. The list of dead is appalling, but the fact that the majority of my corals look like they are going to make it is comforting.
A little history on my experience and this particular tank. Ever since i was a kid i have loved aquariums, and always wanted a wall that was a fish tank. About 5 years ago I finally got my first fish tank... 1.5 yrs in I went Salty and haven't looked back (probably because i still keep a FW tank too) Last June I bought a house with an unfinished basement, and while I couldn't make an entire wall a fish tank i was able to build one into the wall
This is what it looked like about 2 weeks ago

And here is todays FTS after damage control,
All in all not too different, other than only the clown fish left.
Anyway, i plan to make it a fairly slow rebuild and am going to be focusing on the reef side of the tank firstly this time around, once the water settles out I plan to build up the corals and variety, the idea being to have an amazing reef then add a few fish at the end just for some character and i wanted to document things this time around because it is always fun to get peoples ideas and opinions and to go back and look to see how far things have come. And so........ here we go again.