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Old 02-02-2014, 07:00 PM
Wildechild_01 Wildechild_01 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 75
Wildechild_01 is on a distinguished road

Definitely not throwing in the towel, not the first tank crash I've experienced but definitely the most expensive one to date.... that said, with the water change completed and the lights and flow up and running again looking like i may be okay with the LPS, and lets be honest, if the zoa's don't make it I should probably go back to keeping freshwater Betta's. As i type this the LPS corals are starting to extend again and there is a little bit of extension on the birdsnest. Glad i caught it quick, there was about 8 hours between the last time i looked at the tank and when i found it this morning, just shows how quick things can go south. Skimmer is Skimming away, and i need to head to Calgary to pick up some salt and more carbon.... waterchange worked out around 90G on a 120G + 20G sump system will probably do another change this afternoon depending on readings. I am hoping that with the flow, skimmer, and amount of live rock things level out fairly quick... with 4 Clown fish in the tank its a pretty small Bio-load, the hermit crabs are super active all over the tank getting what i missed, will probably pick up more of them today as well...... oh well... Time to keep going and start planning the re-stock
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