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Old 02-02-2014, 05:24 PM
hillegom hillegom is offline
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hillegom is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
My diamond back goby sifts like a champ, but eats frozen and pellets, comes over where I feed and grabs his share. He has his area that he sleeps and I can't keep any corals on the sand in this one area as he likes to rearrange his home, otherwise, other corals are fine. Nice thing about the diamond backs is they don't create sand storms and don't move around when sifting.
I agree. Bought mine from a tank shutdown. He eats pellets, frozen and flakes.
I have some mushrooms on the sandbed that don't get affected by the occasional sand/gravel.
Sometimes I have to feed him separately as my foxface is a hog and eats everything faster than the diamond head. As well, the goby is stupid as he will not "see" the food, rather he indiscriminately scoops gravel here and there, whether there is food there or not.
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