Thread: SWC Clam order
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Old 08-25-2004, 02:58 PM
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Default SWC Clam order

The following was posted by Saltwater Connection. Is there anyone interested in combinding an order together and splitting the shipping?

The following items are on sale until the end of August.
2-3 inch crocea clams $39.99 ea or 3 for $99.99
3-3.5 inch crocea clams $49.99 or 3 for $129.99
4 inch crocea clams $59.99 or 3 for $149.99
rose anemones $65.99 or 4 for $199.99
seio high flow power heads m620 (620 gallons per hour)$65.99
Seio high flow power heads m820 (820 gallons per hour)$79.99

Some restrictions and exclusions may apply.
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