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Old 01-30-2014, 02:15 PM
BlueTang<3's Avatar
BlueTang<3 BlueTang<3 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Stony Plain, Alberta
Posts: 1,641
BlueTang<3 is on a distinguished road

Before we moved I was noticing arms of my Sps colonies going missing overnight, all around one hole in the rock. I stayed holing nights to find a 3ft worm come out of that hole. I chased it back in removed the rock and took it outside. Got it out was very nasty looking thing, opted for new dry rock.
360 gallon sps reef, 180 gal sump, bubble king supermarine 300, 4xmp40Wes, 2 x 6215 tunze waveboxes, 4 ghl mitras

360 Reef Tank
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