Originally Posted by cptclever
I tried schools of chromis twice. Quite successful.
First time I got 3, soon down to 2. They lasted for many, many months. Thought two really wasn't a school so I eventually added 2 more. They looked the same size when I was in the store but when I got them home it was obvious they were much bigger. They bullied the original 2 into hiding most of the time until I saw them no more. Down to 2 again. They are always together, get along great. Must be close to a year now that I have had them. If I hadn't pressed my luck I bet I would still have the original 2.
I would like to post the following
slight revision to my initial statement.
I tried small schools of chromis (3 to 4 fish) twice with no success. It seems to me that if there is not a large enough population to spread the aggression around then one single fish becomes the target. This continues until a pair or a single, dominant fish remains. I consider myself lucky that I have a happy couple.