Originally Posted by marlboro man
Yea, I read that FAQ before I bought my anemone. It was really helpful.
But when I bought the white flat purple tip from my LFS, they told me that this sp. of anemone comes white and it does not require bright MH.
And the FAQ says:
"You should know the natural coloration of the species of anemone you are interested in. Look for an anemone that is vibrantly colored, not faded or pale. Make sure it is not dyed or “bleached”; both conditions are often deadly for the anemone and will require specialized care to fix."
When I read the FAQ then read your description of your tank, warning flags go up. I think you are at least 4 months and 1 species over-optimistic.
The first anemone sounds like it wasn't even bottomed-out yet (still expelling), and the second one added at such a short interval made things worse times 3...
Are you skimming? Do you have a filter/can you run carbon? Even better would be if the LFS would take them both back for credit, then you could at least get thru the first 6 months' worth of new-tank swings and take another crack at it then...